昨天跟朋友们去ampang吃韩国大餐。。哈哈。。不错下,都蛮好吃。。^^我和仪叫了一碗石头拌饭,还有一碗泡菜汤饭。。我们还一起点了一份鸡和猪,等waiter为我们服务(烧烤)。很好吃叻~~可惜的是我没有试到韩国炒年糕啊~~因为她们说不好吃。。。(T.T) 不吃也没关系啦,一碟炒年糕要RM35叻。。算了吧~~吃着吃着。。。饱了。。。可是还有很多叻。。。现在才知道韩国人也蛮大吃的,而且每一样菜都一定是辣的。。。里面的客人全是韩国人叻~~而且个个都眼咪咪的,白白的。。看打扮也知道是韩国人了。。。其实韩国女生都蛮美的叻。。。可是粗鲁点咯。。不过我也斯文不到哪里去啦。。哈哈。。才刚吃饱不久,突然间她们要去看童眼喔~~我不要!!!!!我反对!!!!很怕叻~~我只好哀求她们不要看童眼,看别部戏。。。当时我们六人里,有四人要看,其余的两人(我和晶)都怕。。既然多数都说要看,那就去吧。。而且兴起的我们,很难不去看的。。。哈哈。。我们吃完蛋糕后(仪&婷birthday)飙车赶去看戏了。。。真的是飙车的咯。。晶的驾车技术就像kl人。。割车,飙车,真的一流咯。。本来在前面,突然不见了。。而且是完全看不到她的车了。。。walao~~跟她男友驾车一样“好技术”。。我们九点半从ampang飙车去midvalley买票看戏。。去到midvalley 时是九点四十多分。。可想而知有几快。。去到后,竟然没有了十点的位~~我就说回家喝茶好了。。怎知她们竟然不死心,还要看3D的!!!还是11:30pm的叻~~够力咯。。。看戏时,我是完全不敢看,全程看着电话。。。每当我看回戏时,我一定会喊。。= =" 我也不想的。。。看完后就回家了。。哈哈。。是不错又好玩的一天啊。。既可以和朋友们聚聚又可以和朋友们享受刺激。。真难得啊~~希望她们不要酱忙,酱就可以时常出来聚聚聊天了。。^^
Useful paragaph..
just now i saw some useful paragraph from a person...i know what should i do...i know what is the most important in my world now..i know i should not care about these useless & sadness things...very thanks that person...i will be strong before & after make a decision...i know i will sad...but this is the way i can solve those problems...otherwise,i know my friends will support me...BTW,i can not descibe my feeling now..isizt sad?? release??painful?? hurt?? i think i should keep my mind...then forget about it...some times i will think twise what can i do? what should i do? but i think just decide by god..huh~~~feel wanna go beach feel the wind kiss my face..see the sea play the water...feel the white sand protect my foot....feel the sun around me...feel wanna break for few days at there...feel wanna RELEASE~~~~
SAtiSfy with my result..!!^^
yesterday..i got my result...i felt happy,satisfy with my result...3.70...not bad...but i know my result still can be more better...haha...i will study hard this sem...i will try my best to get good result n scolarship...but...my PTPTN loan REJECT me!!!!WTF!!!how come they reject me??><....haih...so,i need a part time job to earn money...not that easy to get a job...i wan MONEY~~~i need a JOB~~~btw,i still on9 at CITC now...i should back hostel rest n study de lo...nvm la...i also not free to update my blog ald...so...is time to enjoy now..later wan study le...on fb awhile..then back hostel..^^
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