


   Hmm........i though all of that end and i will never ever meet some people again...but,people still like ghost always follow me! u know i hate it? when i knew it, it's made me down and so damn hopeless as i very hope it's end....

   pls..the god must freaking kidding me! how come i wan to escape all the shit but it always come to me?! huh??!! i have no choice,only can follow the fate..

   OMG...is that my life be the same in the future? i don wan! actually I'm wonder why my personality will always listen and follow what others ask me to do?! why i cant have the courage to follow what my heart wish me to do?! why? why? why? 

   Well,i have no choice but to follow since it's one of my personality which will hurt myself deeply! yes,i knew it but i cant be the person who always think of self first! why? because my heart prohibited me to do something which will hurt others..this is my good and bad! i lossed to it! DAMN!

   i wan a world that no body know me and hide myself as well as begin my new life! sure it's just a DREAM..haha..i knew this world is so materialistic and every1 only look into self interest..so,i have to be one of the person to protect my self from my enemy but not friends and family.. wish me luck forever and bad go far far away from me =)





   那时我怕得马上找你,还开门出去客厅一下下~虽然你用大笑安抚我,但是我还是很怕~~~mama~~~T,T 怕得想回家睡,想不睡撑到天亮~可是我的体力大不如前~只要累了就一定要睡,睡不著也一定要躺着休息~我对我的身体状况非常怕~担心哪天会想老人家一样的体魄~最后,我开门睡了..因为客厅的灯可以照进来一点点~这让我有点安心~所以,慢慢的我也就睡了~


   到底我为啥会有那种非常不好受的感觉呢?我也不知道~它说来就来的~><!! 或许是压力太大? 或许是没有安全感? 两个都有可能喔!! 要很serious的看待这个问题! 再有如此感觉,我就会告诉爸妈,并要求询问心里医生~因为我发觉问题越来越严重了~我怕下个跳楼的是我~真的怕~ T,T..


                                                                                      萍 上


kanasai people!

    i don know why some ppl very be the busybody! is it too boring? please la! just busy ur things then enough ard! u don have but others have, u also cant like someone try to break it because of u envy others! that's ur personal problems! know??!!

    when i said 1 time, i'm not wish to repeat, repeat and repeat again! please respect others before u did something! think about others! how many times we repeat the same words to u?! huh??!! u can't understand chinese and english?! dont try to challenge my patient! I ALWAYS SILENT NOT MEAN I HAVE NO ANGER EMOTIONAL! really kanasai! if u cant handle well please dont put ur shit face like u can do it! i hate u when i saw that face! 

    someone told me that M'sia is a harmony and nice country..that person said he can easily see the smile even don know each other or heard "sorry" from others when something happen..WTF! i totally not agree! M'sia people only think of self benefits! they do everything just because of their own benefits! well, maybe he is very lucky to meet those nice people..

    BTW, i saw one person posted "friends is for utilize"..just like a goods, we use it when we need it, we neglect it when we happy ourselves..is it correct? well, before i start my college life, i m not agree with that sentence, but during my college life i own an experience and totally agree with that sentence that people posted at his facebook status..
    ya! i learn many of the social theories while i'm studying at college! "thanks" those who make me hurt and those who attack me! i'm gradually become more stronger and independent! 



   Oh~ few days more have to go back my college life~is my LAST semester...hahahahaha......btw, i have to study 5 days per week, 4 days of 8am class..Oh my gosh~! damn it! hmm...hope those subjects will not so difficult...

   MAY, is a month that i wish that something can be done it perfectly~ ^,^ what's that?? secret~ haha...

   Beginning of the new semester, hope everything will be fine and alright~ I want a healthy lifestyle..can i ?? let's see afterward... =]


Never Regret

   我还有五个月就毕业了~很繁忙,又烦闷的生活~(╯﹏╰)这就是我的学院生活~可我却享受着这样的生活,可以来去自如~不必让人牵绊~偶尔较长的Break跟比较交心的朋友走街,很不错哦..而且我现在有一个月的假期叻~Yeah!! =) 



   是啊~我变了..变得每天沉默不语..变得很冷酷,让人难以接近了~可是,我有我的苦衷啊~回想起以前那些事,我不得不竖起我的刺来保护自己啊~既然知道每个人有不同的想法和性格,我唯有对别人的事不闻不问,甚至不关心 ,才可以让自己安然的过我的生活啊..以避免让别人乘机说我慰问别人时别有用心~





Sis- Sue Chong Big Day!!

wow~today is Sue's big day, her wedding day~ i woke up at 7am and prepared to be her sister early in the morning~ so tired! i almost over slept! lol... we played games, accompanied she go her husband house~ 

My brothers, so handsome~

most left side- we played drum together when we were secondary, so surprise can saw her again. XD

lovely sis married lor~

   finally! dinner at night! i saw many friends and ex-classmate~ a person that i so surprise when i saw is my ex-purcusion member! she, is my group member in secondary school and in the drum group~ we played drum, xylophone, timpani, bell and other music instrument together.. haha! so surprise! we still remember each other..

   lastly, i met my friends~so nice! miss them so much! we sat together and chit-chat.. when we finished the dinner, i still asked them :" is it finished?" haha.. because we all busy for work, and study ma..sure no time can gather lor..that's why i don't think the wedding dinner ended already~

   i know we have no much time and chance to gather together..but i know we will keep all of us in our heart..even we have no gather always, but we will never ever forget each other~this is the friendship between us~ =)



我,有一班很好的朋友...今天我们聚在一起谈天..我很珍惜..可是时间过得很快很快...我们聊了我们各自的近况..没有隐瞒,没有掩饰,没有虚假...聊到些不开心的事就互相安慰...他们说,无论我们发生什么事,我们永远都是朋友,并给予支持...他们,真的是我的好朋友..在中学时期发生了些事情(有人要我们自己人打自己人)...他们二话不说,没有理会是是非非...我当时还担心他们会信以为真...所以找了他们想讨论这些是非...结果我得到的答案是:“哎呀,不要理他们那些人..我们不会信他们说的..那些是小人..我们还是好朋友,还是会一起玩乐..” 我当时听了很感动..而他们更用行动来证明我们的友谊..

还记得我们吵架,有个人要挑破离间我们的友谊..结果,被我们同声同气骂..过了一节课后,我们好回了..做回我们的好朋友了..哈哈~真好笑..这些才叫朋友!! 他们对我很重要..

我们还一起约定要一起过圣诞节..可是到现在还没有实现..各有各忙,连喝个茶的时间都要赶死赶命..哈哈..因为有个做工做到十一点啦..没办法啦..可是我们约他时,本来是不得空,因为晚上还要陪老板做点事..可是他还是赴约了..过后还被我们责问为何迟到..他啊~说是因为我们约才不理会老板,够钟放工就直接走人不让老板抓到..而他其他的朋友约都推了..听了..有个朋友说我们果然够大牌..因为他只赴我们的约...真够意思!! =)

说到不如意的事时,某个人的样子很伤心,大家竟然也心情沉了...大家很为彼此感到伤心失落..彼此都感觉到对方的真心,对方的关心...虽然不见那么久,但是我们依然那么的好...依然那么的支持对方...那么多年的朋友,没有白交! 你们永远都是我的好朋友!!除了他们,还有其他的朋友一样待我如亲姐妹,兄妹...虽然我有不如意的事,但是却让我更看到有一班好友..值得!




明天考试还酱有心情写blog? 不是~是不知道要读什么..算了,靠我头脑临场发挥吧...

最想快点离开setapak area.....
