in conclusion, the people u care, the more u get hurt from that time to hide myself in a corner...because i want to treat my hurt...
is HURT~
the people that i care, always hurt me matter u r my lover,or pain....i know u wont know...i put too much expectation on u, so when u make me disappointed i will feel very up sad...u wont know...i will keep this in my heart..and u will never ever know...i very appreciate u have been in my life...but maybe u wont appreciate it...i treat u as a unique people in my life, but maybe u see me as it correct? i don know the answer...i just can use my heart to see and feel is it true or i'm misunderstanding ...
近来才发现某人的秘密~真的非常,非常,非常的失望!! 真的不知道现在可以怎样了! 非常的生气! 觉得自己非常的蠢! 蠢到没药医! 被骗了一次还不会醒! 够了没得救! shit!!! 我应该怎样做?! 我不知道! 脑袋空空的! 书又读不进! 秀萍啊秀萍! 你到底几时才会醒?! 在任何方面都酱容易听人家的! 可以有点自己的想法吗?! 明知道错还要继续,明明怀疑还假装信任,明明伤心还假装没事! haih~~虽然已经发生了,可是我还是接受不到!!! 各有各说,我并不知道该信谁! 一次--我原谅,两次--我忍,可是为什么还连续酱做?! 我其实很不明白! 我真的很失望! 我想我该好好考虑,思考一下! 到底几时才醒?!!!!!!!
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